The Igbo culture is more common in south Nigeria. The Igbo people have a strong belief in an almighty God named Chukwu. It its traditional to believe that the Chikwu has created each individual with a guardian or assistant at birth. The Igbo also believe in forces of nature as spirits, such as the sun, the sky and thunder and lightening. In the Igbo culture, Children are considered the most precious gift of all, and that children are prized more than money. The Igbo people speak their native Igbo language, a bit similar to chinese. Igbo culture is most commonly known for their style of music with distinctive instruments. Typical instruments are the Ogene (a hand bell mostly played why women and children), the Igba (a tom-tom that is beat, similar to a bongo), the Ikoro ( a very fragile piece of wood that produces two different sounds), and the udu. The udu is well known in Nigeria. It is an air drum played designed with clay mostly by women. It can also be used a a center piece for womens dance groups.
The Yoruba people are mostly common in southwest Nigeria. People of Nigeria revolve around ashrine.jpg spiritual figure named Oduduwa. Yoruba people live their life in the belief of urban myths, songs and history. A well-known Traditional belief is that dead parents other family members are a believed to a protective power over their relatives still living. The Yoruba people also speak their native yoruba language, that mostly consists of sounds made with their mouths rather than complete words. They use sculptures as a serious form of art, that is later used as shrines. Also, masks is a well known tradition that many men and women use during certain ceremonies. Yoruba celebrate many ceremonies that are used to showcase the wealth of the culture. Structure and conduct are the bases of traditional education. Yoruba people follow certain guidelines emphasize on good conduct and character. The Yorubas are mostly christian or muslim, but they believe in one powerful god called Orisa.